Multi-Generational Workforce Training
One of the greatest Talent Management challenges organizations face today is getting their employee populations to work effectively and cohesively together.
With more generations represented in today’s workforce than ever before, the differences between those generations is evident. As a result, it is essential that businesses educate their teams on how to deal with and capitalize on the unique work styles, skill sets, preferences, and vantage points of each generation.
For the first time in our nation’s history, we have five generations collaborating together in the same workforce. This creates opportunities for innovation with so many different perspectives together under one roof, but it also creates significant challenges in communication, engagement and, most importantly, leadership.
Today’s generational workforce includes:
- The Greatest Generation
Sometimes known as the Silent Generation, the people belonging to this group were born between 1928 and 1945. They value hard work, conformity and working together for the common good. Members of the Greatest Generation are more formal with their communication, using direct methods such as a letter, email, or a face-to-face conversation.
- The Baby Boomers
Baby Boomers (or just Boomers) were born between 1946 and 1964. As a group, they tend to be optimistic, with a clearly defined sense of right and wrong. They prefer personalized communication and more autonomy in how they work. They share a desire with the previous generation to measure results, but want the freedom to take their own path in getting there.
- Generation X
This generation came of age with the personal computer, e-mail, the Internet, the fall of communism, the rise of extremism, and the explosion of single-parent households. These changes began a values realignment in our working culture as this group focused on non-traditional priorities. Gen Xers desired something more for their lives and from their work, like making achievements in human rights part their goals structure. This group is highly entrepreneurial, having formed a core component of the dot-com boom. As a result, Generation X does not value loyalty to a single company the way previous generations did. To connect with this audience, communicate directly, but give room for their input.
- Millennials
Generation Y, or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1997. There are some similarities with the previous two generations in that this generation believes in success, desires clear measurement of progress or failure, and prefers direct, meaningful feedback. But they prefer to communicate through more instant media, like text or social media. Millennials are even more interested than Gen Xers in making a difference and adding value globally. They need to know that what they’re doing matters and value work/life balance more than previous generations.
- Generation Z
Born after 1997, this generation is comprised of full-fledged digital and mobile technology natives. It’s a group shaped by recent history, including the Debt Crisis and Great Recession, which means they are more experienced with issues such as savings and debt than previous generations. With their technical savvy, job hunting is no problem and it’s expected that this generation will have 12-15 jobs in their lifetime. Making an impact and producing meaningful work is more important to this group than a long-term career.

Multi-Generational Programs
At DGC Training, we create customized multi-generational programs as unique as each of our clients. Our programs are highly interactive and provide our participants with the tools and knowledge they need to better understand and respect each generation, resulting in a more cohesive work environment.
Our programs include:
- New employee training workshops
- Management development training programs
- Team-based collaboration programs
- Integrated employee engagement programs
- Employee retention and succession planning programs
- And much more…